
Knight Official

A multi-purpose bot for all servers moderation, suggestion, greetings, utility, fun, images.

Bot Features


Blazing High performance bot with slash commands support!


Hosted at best place with 100% security & safety.

Happy Users

We are serving 6k+ happy clients across the globe for free!


Total Servers


Total Users


Total Commands

Commands List

/help - shows all the commands of the bot available to you.
/avatar - shows the profile picture of user or bot.
/serverinfo - shows current server information.
/userinfo - shows information about a specific user.

/botinfo - shows information about the Knight Official Bot.
/botsuggestion - suggest new ideas for the bot & our team will review it.
/bugreport - send your message regarding any bug, issues & our team will review it.
/discordserver - invites you to our official support server.
/invitelink - sends you the invite link for the bot.
/ping - check the current latency of the bot.
/serversettings - check the current configurations for the server (Requires administrator permissions).
/sendlog - sends the log message to the team for error review (BETA).

/catfact - sends a random fact about cats.
/dogfact - sends a random fact about dogs.
/weather - sends information about weather of a specific location.
/define - sends information about a specific word.
/nasanews - sends information from official website of NASA about specific topics.
/yomomma - sends roasting messages for your momma.

/addroletorp - adds new role to the role picker menu.
/disablerp - disables role picker menu.
/enablerp - enables the role picker menu.
/giverole - assign a role to specific user.
/removerolefromrp - remove a role from role picker menu.
/rolepicker - creates new role picker menu.
/takerole - assign a role to self.
/getrolecolor - sends the role color code in HEX format (BETA).

/addnote - add note to a user or bot profile.
/ban - ban a user from the server.
/baninfo - check the reason for the banned user.
/checknames - check if the user has changed his nickname.
/clear - clears the nickname of the user.
/delnote - clears the note set on the user.
/delsuggestion - removes the suggestion from the suggestion channel using message ID.
/disablecmd - disables all the commands of the bot in the server.
/editnote - edit the note set on the user.
/enablecmd - enables all the commands of the bot in the server.
/kick - removes a user from the server for short time period.
/mute - sets a user on mute for a specific time period.
/muteinfo - sends the reason for muting the user.
/record - saves the message set for user.
/remindme - sets a reminder for something to be notified at that time.
/report - report a user to the admin team of the server with reason.
/serversuggestion - give your idea for improvement of the server.
/setlogschannel - set the logs channel where everything will recorded for future use.
/suggestion - give your idea for the better future of the bot.
/suggestionchannel - set the server suggestion channel.
/togglemsglogs - toggle whether the messages record should be logged in log channel or not.
/unban - remove a user from ban list of the server.
/unmute - remove the mute from the user.
/viewnotes - see all the notes you have set throught the bot.
/warn - give a warn to the user for breaking the server rules.

/leavemessage - set the message to be sent when user leaves.
/setleavechannel - set the channel to be notify when a user leaves the server.
/setwelcomechannel - set the channel to be notify when a user joins the server.
/toggleavemsg - toggle whether the message should be sent or not when user leaves.
/togglewelcomemsg - toggle whether the message should be sent or not when user joins.
/togglewelcomedm - toggle whether the message should be sent privately or not when user joins.
/welcomedm - set the message to be sent privately.
/welcomemessage - set the message to be sent on user join.
/welcomerole - set the role to be given on new user join.

🤖 Featured Servers Using Knight Official Bot!


Knight Pixel

Axe Craft

Chilli Dev